now available
I would have loved something like this to read when I’d had my kids” – Myra Cooke

Hello and Welcome to 5 minutes a day for new mums.
Having a brand new baby is one of life’s most unique times. Nothing quite prepares you for the reality of having a new baby.
Well actually you did prepare: you went to the prenatal classes, you read all the prenatal books, you set up the nursery, you bought the pram and everything else you thought you may need (and have now discovered you don’t need 🙂 ). You were definitely prepared.
Then…. your baby arrived – Nothing can prepare you for a brand new baby, as you have just discovered !
By receiving the honoured title of ‘Mum’ you begin with it a journey of unimaginable and overwhelming emotion.
You are so unselfish and devoted to this new baby. You have never felt so responsible. The exhaustion of indescribable tiredness with the night time feeds and broken sleep is hard. The emotion is conflicting – you feel frustrated but within minutes can be staring at your baby in awe for no reason at all.
This is the season of The Newborn, we are completely pre occupied within our circumstances, but there is a part of us that recognises that our identity is unclear, a little bit lost or unknown. We no longer have our freedom, our independence, our job, our income, our social life. We begin to feel isolated and overwhelmed, the routine and order is non existent, we can temporarily lose our focus, purpose and goals. The emotions are conflicting once again – you want to do this, you want this baby thing, but you also want your old life back – you knew who you were and what you were doing, this can be so unknown.
If you know what I’m talking about then 5 Minutes a Day for New Mums is for you.
There is hope, there are small things you can do in a moment to help you gain perspective, change your attitude, and embrace this newborn phase, be encouraged that this gets better and easier. All the dramatic changes are gradually restored and your new little family will adapt so, enjoy the moments of your new baby in this unique phase of the privileged world of ‘Mum’.
My new book 5 Minutes a Day for New Mums is now available. It acknowledges the reality of having a newborn with helpful suggestions to help the new mum to get through and thrive with her baby.
This is now available for every new mum. With loads of encouragement……you can do this New Mum !
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I would have loved something like this to read when I'd had my kids
I wish this book had been available when I was a struggling with becoming a first time Mum ... and again, as a reminder when I had our twins when our eldest was under 2.

Many Thanks
Your support, encouragement and advice have been astounding. I’m so grateful!